
Understanding the Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus Unwinding Period and How to Support Your Employees May 18, 2023

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Webinar Description:
Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus beneficiaries have not needed to take any action to re-enroll in Medicaid to retain health insurance coverage during the past three years of continuous Medicaid eligibility due to the Public Health Emergency. This continuous eligibility ended on March 31, 2023.

In Wisconsin, 1.6 million people will need to renew their state health insurance (Medicaid or BadgerCare Plus) sometime between June 2023 and May 2024. It is estimated by the Kaiser Family Foundation that 300,000 people in Wisconsin may lose their state health coverage and will need to transition to some other form of insurance. About 60 percent of the people losing their coverage will have an option of employer-sponsored health coverage.

Staff from Covering Wisconsin will provide:

  • An overview of important information to know and share with your employees
    about the upcoming Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus Renewal “Unwinding Period”
  • Resources and guidance for your organization as you prepare to assist your
    employees in transitioning from Medicaid or BadgerCare Plus health insurance.


  • Caroline B. Gómez-Tom, Enrollment Network and Accessibility Manager,
    Covering Wisconsin
  • Adam VanSpankeren, Navigator Program Manager, Covering Wisconsin

Where: Webinar via Zoom
When: Thursday, May 18, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.


Questions: For more information, please contact:
Caroline B. Gómez-Tom
[email protected]

This program is open to anyone and free to attend. Please forward this invitation to others you think may have an interest in joining us.

Sponsored by: Covering Wisconsin, Business Health Care Group, The Alliance, Milwaukee Enrollment Network and Milwaukee Health Care Partnership