
Member Benefits

Did you know that these benefits are available at ALL member levels?

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Select the level that best fits your need, or see if you qualify for our free membership level:

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Connect - Free

For small business with five or less employees (or equivalent), nonprofits with 10 or fewer FTEs, and free-standing Fox Cities restaurants.

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Connect - $445

Includes the benefits listed above, plus the opportunity to host 1 ribbon cutting, grand opening or other celebration each year.

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Grow - $775

Includes the benefits listed above plus:

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Lead - $2,760

Includes the benefits listed above plus:

NEW Remote Worker Membership - $175

For any individuals who live in the Fox Cities but are working remotely with companies not located in the Chamber footprint (Outagamie County, Calumet County, and northern Winnebago County).

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Custom levels also available with additional perks, such as high visibility sponsorships, VIP access to Chamber events and an annual VIP reception.