
Mammograms fight breast cancer across Northeast Wisconsin

Mobile unit alone has provided screenings to 5,500+ since 2018

Mobile Mammo UnitDuring October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Prevea Health and its HSHS hospital partners remind everyone about the importance of breast health and breast screenings.

All women should talk with their health care provider about the appropriate timing for screening mammograms, especially women who are age 40 or at high-risk. A schedule will be based upon an individual’s health. At age 40, any woman may wish to begin regular screening mammograms. By age 45, women should have a screening mammogram and continue to have one at least every other year.

Prevea provides in-clinic mammography services at three locations in the Green Bay area: Prevea St. Mary’s Health Center, Prevea Allouez Health Center and Prevea East De Pere Health Center. In 2018, to make mammograms more accessible to women across Northeast Wisconsin and eliminate travel as a barrier– especially for those in rural communities – Prevea Health launched a 3-D and digital, mobile mammography unit in partnership with HSHS St. Vincent, St. Mary’s, St. Nicholas and St. Clare Memorial Hospitals.

Today, the unit travels on a regular basis to Prevea Health centers in Grand Chute, Kewaunee, Luxemburg, Manitowoc, Marinette, Oconto, Oconto Falls, Plymouth, Pulaski, Seymour, Shawano, Gillett, Lena and Mountain. Since 2018, the Prevea Health + HSHS St. Vincent, St. Mary’s, St. Nicholas and St. Clare mobile mammography unit has provided more than 5,500 patients in these communities with mammograms. Out of those patients:
• 438 required additional imaging for suspected breast cancer
• 27 were diagnosed with breast cancer
• 390 received a mammogram for the first time
• 73 had not had a mammogram in more than 8 years

“Many of these patients are women who may not have otherwise received a mammogram due to the burden of having to travel to another community far away where services are available,” said Stephanie Rouse, a registered mammography technologist who provides care in the mobile mammography unit. “Our mobile unit allows us to take these lifesaving breast screenings directly to them. If we can catch cancer early with a mammogram, it is likely more treatable.”

The mobile mammography unit, described as a “health center on wheels,” is equipped with 3-D and digital mammography technology, two changing rooms and a waiting room, and staffed by a registered mammography technologist. Click here for a virtual tour.

Appointments for all mammography services – in-clinic or mobile – can be made by calling (920) 496-4789 or through MyPrevea at www.myprevea.com or the MyPrevea app. To learn more about Prevea mammography care, please visit: www.prevea.com/mammo

In Sheboygan, mammograms are also provided at HSHS St. Nicholas Hospital. To make an appointment at HSHS St. Nicholas Hospital, please call (920) 459-5171.