
Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity Hosts Legislative Day

Event brings together bipartisan support for affordable housing for families and sheds light on the importance of building equity and community in workforce housing options

Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity, a leader in affordable housing solutions, is bringing together legislators from both sides of the aisle on Tuesday, August 22 to highlight the importance of safe and affordable homeownership opportunities as it relates to helping fill workforce needs in the Fox CitiesThe Legislative Day event takes place from 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. at 2501 Meade St. (map) in Appleton at the future home of the Buelow family, where a wall raising will be taking place.

Dawn Buelow and her two children, 8-year-old Kaylee and 5-year-old Brayden, have faced many challenges in the townhome they currently rent. In addition to mold problems in their current residence, Buelow cites the inability to move ahead of their current circumstance and build equity in their home.

“I’m so excited to have a place to celebrate birthday parties for my kids, have friends over and for my children to be able to have a place to play and grow,” explained Dawn Buelow. “It’s hard to get out of the constant cycle of bills all on your own and I am so thankful to Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity and the many volunteers and sponsors who have helped make this dream of home ownership attainable for my family and I.”

“Habitat is doing some great work, but as the community grows and additional talent is needed to support the thriving workforce, the need for affordable housing grows at a faster pace than ever,” explained Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity CEO, John Weyenberg. “Much of the emphasis for workforce housing has been put on rental properties, but there is a place for homeownership opportunities as well. When a family can live close to where they work and are able to secure a safe, stable and affordable home for their family they can build equity in that home and in their community that helps to propel that family forward for generations.”

As the Fox Cities continues to look to attract workforce talent to the region as it grows, one of the main concerns is that there are not enough places for those people to live in once they relocate here. Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity believes there is a way for nonprofits to work alongside legislators and community leaders to address this shortage of workforce housing, which is significantly different than just ensuring there is rental property available near places of employment. To attract and retain talent, people need to be able to enhance their lives, grow and be a part of the community they work in. Owning a home gives people this opportunity and contributes to attracting a valuable workforce that contributes to the local economy and a sense of belonging for all.

Families in need are not just given Habitat for Humanity homes. The families who receive these houses must put in the sweat equity to help build their home, learn to maintain it and financially sustain it. The homes Habitat for Humanity builds are not-for-profit, and the new homeowners are making zero-interest mortgage payments thanks to the supporters of Habitat for Humanity. This is only possible through the efforts of supporters, donors, volunteers and community leaders who believe in the Habitat for Humanity mission to give everyone a decent and affordable place to live.

The work that The Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity is made possible through many generous community sponsors. To learn more about the Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity, or how you can donate or volunteer, please call 920-954-8702 or visit foxcitieshabitat.org.


About Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity 

The Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit Christian housing organization that believes in a vision of the world where everyone has a decent place to live. This vision is brought to reality through affordable housing solutions which help families become homeowners, help low-income homeowners with critical home repairs, help families improve their financial situations to qualify for homeownership and help current Habitat homeowners through financial emergencies.

For more information and to learn how you can donate or volunteer, visit foxcitieshabitat.org.