
2024 Excellence in Education Shining Star Award Nominees

We are thrilled to have received over 150 nominations in support of our local educators who have gone above and beyond to make a lasting impact on the lives of their students!

The Excellence in Education Shining Star Awards program recognizes the outstanding achievements of educators in the Fox Cities Region. A skilled workforce of tomorrow relies on high quality education today, and this event acknowledges and celebrates the unparalleled contributions of educators working and shining in Fox Cities schools, colleges, universities and other educational settings.

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2024 Shinings Star Award Nominees:

Lynzee Adkins
Andrea Anderson
DeAnna Anderson
Ashley Andrejeski
Jodi Barrington
Carrie Bartel
Maria Biebel
Judy Blaney
Stephanie Breitenbach
Carly Burris
Jessica Caldie
Jennifer Cameron
Barbara Conger
Jenny Daul
Bobbi Debruin
Lisa Dorschner
Katie Durrant
James Eastman
Nicole Eidahl
Janel Englebert
Lisa Fesing
Lynn Fischer
Margo Fox
Luke Gajewski
Kristie George
Amy Gilmet
Mark Gorshe
Jennie Gries
Kimberly Groenjes

Adam Hendries
Blake Hensley
Lisa Hietpas
Jill Hinkens
Steve Hinz
Karen Hoffman
Erin Hoffman
Kayla Houle
Nicole Jedwabny
Lisa Jelenic
Jill Jolly
Christopher Jones
Casey Karpin
Constance Kassor
Tony Kazik
Teena Keesler
Korri Kersten
Lisa Kmichik
Stacy Knapp
Jenny Kocourek
Kimberly Kortens
Sheri Krueger
Lori Kruepke
Hannah Kuplack
Penny Kurkiewicz
Cathy LaFrombois
Kelly Lamers
Karla Lauden
Sara Lawman

William Lee
Sara Leintz
Michelle Lepak
Joe Lewis
Laura Lindberg
Tori Lodl
Elyse Lucas
Karen Luckow
Jodi March
Paul Maronek
Brian McKinnon
Angela McMahon
Tim McManus
Michelle Mees
John D. Morgen
Amber Muellenbach
Jill Mussett
Alisia Myers
Jenny Neumann
Sarah Northam
Chad Oeftger
Tara Olk
Katie Opperman
Amber Ortega
Roxanne Parker
Brian Pinchart
Lisa Piper
Stacy Popp
Leila Ramagopal Pertl
Aaron Ramponi

Mary Renning
Todd Riesterer
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Tim Roehrig
Michelle Schmitz
Anne Sharelis
Christopher Sievert
Carrie Stammer
Amanda Susek
Alena Tapelt
Kelly Thews
Corbin Thompson
Mary Thompson
Kim Tiegs
Taylor Tuma
Dan Van Boxtel
Dan Van Eperen
Julia Van Veldhuisen
Rebecca VandeLoo
Eric Vander Loop
Nikki VanderHeiden
Kerri VanderLoop
Ashley Volkmann
Amanda Voss
Laurie Wagner
Crystal Wall
Cathy Wilda
Amanda Williams
Jennifer Wilson
Amy Xiong