
Want to win the Governor’s Business Plan Contest? Learn ins and outs at Jan. 18 Tech Council webinar

A recent finalist, a veteran contest judge and contest organizers will provide tips on how to win the Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest during a 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 18 webinar hosted by the Wisconsin Technology Council.

The 20th annual Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest is accepting entries online for the 2023 competition until 5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 31, 2023, so the webinar is a timely chance to learn more.

Over time, more than 4,450 entries have been received in the contest, which links up-and-coming entrepreneurs with a statewide network of community resources, expert advice and mentoring, management talent, and possible sources of capital.

This event is free to attend. Click here to register. The Tech Council’s Julie Johnson will be sending webinar credentials prior to the event. Panelists are:

  • Dustin Overbeck of HeyGov, the Information Technology Category first place winner of the 2022 contest;
  • Long-time contest judge and Tech Council board member Jonathan Fritz, who has been an investor, business attorney and entrepreneur, and;
  • Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council
    “Our panel will provide tips and advice on how to make your initial 250-word entry the best it can be,” Still said. “Also, you’ll hear more about resources you can tap along the way.”

The Wisconsin Technology Council is the independent, non-profit science and technology adviser to the governor and Legislature, with events, publications and outreach that contribute to Wisconsin’s tech-based economy. To join, go to www.wisconsintechnologycouncil.com or call 608-442-7557.