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Reminder to Register for June 5 Customer Service Workshop to help build customers for life

customer service infographic

Customer service at any company can make or break that business.  Consider these facts about the power of positive customer service:

  • 89% of companies with “significantly above average” customer experiences perform better financially than their competitors. (Qualtrics XM Institute)
  • 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies who offer excellent customer service. (HubSpot Research)
  • Businesses can grow revenues between 4% and 8% above their market when prioritizing better customer service experiences. (Bain & Company)

On the flip side, here is the impact of poor customer service on a business:

  • 78% of customers have backed out of a purchase due to a poor customer experience. (Glance)
  • Only 1 in 26 customers will tell a business about their negative experience; according to customer service facts, the rest simply leave. (Esteban Kolsky)
  • 67% of customers report a terrible customer experience as the reason for switching businesses. (Esteban Kolsky)

An upcoming Fox Cities Chamber workshop called “Building Customers for Life” can help local companies in any industry provide exceptional service. This engaging and interactive program is scheduled for June 5, 2023, and attendees can choose from either a morning or afternoon session.

Presenter David K. Aaker, IOM, an international speaker and trainer, will offer a unique, energetic, and employee-focused seminar to help both small and large organizations implement positive changes that stimulate growth. Attendees will be inspired by his tips and techniques as they learn how to build customers for life. Employees at every level, across all industries, will benefit from this workshop. In just two hours, this program will show you how to implement changes that result in:

  • Employees communicating more effectively
  • Customers feeling like royalty
  • Company growth
  • Prospects becoming long-term customers.

The workshop is interactive and lively – no sitting back and listening to dry statistics. Attendees come back motivated and loaded with tested methods to improve customer service, including several ideas that can be implemented within an hour of returning to work. To register for the morning session (8 – 10 AM), visit https://business.foxcitieschamber.com/events/details/2023-customer-service-workshop-building-customers-for-life-morning-session-17894 . To register for the afternoon session (1 – 3 PM), visit https://business.foxcitieschamber.com/events/details/2023-customer-service-workshop-building-customers-for-life-afternoon-session-17884

Cost is $25 for Fox Cities Chamber members and $35 for nonmembers. Both sessions will be held at Poplar Hall, 141 Riverheath Way, Appleton.
David Aaker, IOM, is an international speaker who has dedicated his career to improving the level of customer services in businesses large and small, all over the country. He was named Among America’s Best Speakers by Sky Radio on American Airlines. He is also the author of two books, “Success Simplified,” which is an anthology of 24 nationally selected speakers, and “50 Unforgettable Speakers.”

 About Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce

The Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce captures the energy of one of Wisconsin’s most dynamic regions and transforms it into innovative programs and services for its business members.  The Fox Cities Chamber serves all of the Fox Cities communities within the counties of Outagamie, Calumet and the northern portion of Winnebago.  The Fox Cities Chamber plays a leadership role in regional economic development efforts in Northeastern Wisconsin.  For more information, visit www.foxcitieschamber.com.