
Registration open for ‘Broadband – The New Economic Necessity’ on Aug. 23

New North region leaders to discuss broadband internet improvement through new infrastructure

Leaders from across the New North region will be convening the morning of August 23 at the D.J. Bordini Center in Appleton to discuss next steps in broadband strategy for Northeast Wisconsin. Free of charge, participation in ’Broadband – The New Economic Necessity’ is available both in-person and virtually.

The event is targeted towards economic-development and elected officials, community leaders, internet service providers, business organizations and citizens from the New North who have an interest in strategies aimed at improvement of broadband internet through new infrastructure and related funding.

Those wishing to attend in person can register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wisconsin-tomorrow-broadbandthe-new-economic-necessity-tickets-391126749637. In-person participants can find the D.J. Bordini Center on the Fox Valley Technical College campus at 5 N. Systems Dr. in Appleton.

Registration to participate virtually is available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wisconsin-tomorrow-broadbandthe-new-economic-necessity-zoom-tickets-391136719457.

Scheduled for 8 a.m.-12 noon, among the topics the event will cover are the New North’s experience with its 2021-22 Broadband Access Study; key elements of a broadband strategy to include Regional Middle Mile and Last Mile; key elements of a broadband strategy to address the rural challenge; and connecting strategy with funding.

“Having a broadband strategy session with industry and community leaders is invaluable as we continue our work towards world-class internet service for the people and businesses of the New North region,” says Barb LaMue, president and CEO of New North Inc. “We invite public participation. Together, we can improve the lives of those in Northeast Wisconsin.”

Events participants include subject-matter experts in the design and implementation of broadband strategies and deployment, county and tribal leaders who have implemented strategic broadband investment, and state leaders who will discuss current state and federal grant funding opportunities.

The event is part of the BE BOLD Wisconsin Tomorrow Action Accelerator series of Competitive Wisconsin, Inc. (CWI), a non-partisan coalition that engages business, education, agriculture and labor in strategic collaborations dedicated to strengthening and growing the Wisconsin economy.

“The need for community-strengthening workforce recruitment and retention strategies such as the New North broadband initiative was underscored when elected officials and community leaders came together last year to discuss how best to invest the more than $2 billion dedicated to local governments in Wisconsin in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) at a CWI virtual gathering co-hosted by the Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA), the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, the Wisconsin Towns Association and the UW System,” says Mark O’Connell, president and CEO of the WCA. “At that meeting, we talked about the need for the creation of strategic collaborations dedicated to specific outcomes.

“The work being done in and by New North represents an excellent example of such a collaboration and ‘Broadband – The New Economic Necessity’ will, we believe, add greatly to statewide public understanding of what Wisconsin needs to do regarding broadband access and the options that exist moving forward.”



New North, Inc., is a 501(c)3 non-profit, regional economic development corporation fostering collaboration among private and public sector leaders throughout the 18 counties of Northeast Wisconsin, known as the New North region. The New North brand unites the region both internally and externally around talent development, brand promotion and business development, signifying the collective economic power behind the 18 counties. The counties include Outagamie, Winnebago, Calumet, Waupaca, Brown, Shawano, Oconto, Marinette, Door, Kewaunee, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Florence, Menominee and Waushara. www.thenewnorth.com