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Jordy Nelson will support Scouting as Bay-Lakes Council, BSA celebrates 50th Anniversary October 17 at Lambeau Field Atrium. 

Jordy Nelson, Former Green Bay Packers wide receiver, and Packers Hall of Fame Inductee, will be speaking at the Bay-Lakes Council, Boy Scouts of America’s – Golden Eagle Event on Tuesday, October 17th in the Lambeau Field Atrium reception 5:30 p.m. and program 6:30 p.m. 

The Golden Eagle celebration will gather “50 Extraordinary Scouts You Should Know” who were Scouts within the Bay-Lakes Council service area as a youth and have gone off to have lasting impact in business, community, government, and service to others.  As we recognize “50 Scouts You Should Know” as testament to their dedication, leadership, and compassion, we genuinely hope you can join in celebration of this remarkable milestone in the history of the Bay-Lakes Council.  To learn more about these extraordinary individuals, visit our “50 Scouts You Should Know” web page.

The funds raised will be used to support local boys and girls in Scouts. Your investment in the mission of Scouting will ensure that ANY young person wishing to take part in the program will be able to experience the fun and invaluable life opportunities that being a Scout provides!  The Bay-Lakes Council serves 36 counties in Northeast Wisconsin and Upper Michigan serving over 9,000 girls and boys in Scouting.

Join us for a fun and inspiring event as we come together to support our youth and future leaders!


Golden Eagle Event

Event Date: Tuesday, October 17 Lambeau Field Atrium

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Auction and Sponsorship: CLICK HERE

More Information – www.baylakesbsa.org or [email protected] at 920-540-8015