
Future Neenah Celebrating 40th Anniversary

FNI 40th LogoFuture Neenah Inc. (FNI) is celebrating 40 years as the Neenah area quality of life organization.

Future Neenah was incorporated on April 27, 1983. The original goal of Future Neenah was downtown revitalization, but in the early 1990s the scope expanded to include the Greater Neenah community. Future Neenah’s services and programs fall into three main categories: economic development, community partnerships and community events. The end goal in all of Future Neenah’s projects, programs and events is to contribute to the quality of life in the Neenah area.  The Future Neenah motto is, “Our future, Our Neenah.”

Future Neenah will be celebrating on the official anniversary date of April 27th at Noon with a few remarks by current Executive Director, Brent Bowman, board members, and other longtime FNI supporters. There will be cake and opening of a time capsule that has been hidden since 2003. The public is welcome to join the celebration at the Future Neenah office (135 W. Wisconsin Avenue). 

There is a busy 40th anniversary year planned at Future Neenah and 2023 promises to bring even greater energy and impact with all of the community favorites—Farmers Market, Concerts at Shattuck Park, Boogie Downtown and more. Future Neenah will also host a 4oth Anniversary Gala in the fall.

Executive Director Brent Bowman said, “As the organization charged with programming the city and ensuring a vibrant downtown, we look forward to adding to the cultural opportunities and experiences as we look forward to the next 40 years.”


For details or more information about Future Neenah visit www.neenah.org or call 722-1920.

Future Neenah, Inc. is a community driven non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the economic and cultural vitality of Neenah Area.